Films that inspire me that I want to talk about

This review may contain spoilers.
OKAY WOW WOW WOW SPOILERS. I wanted to write this last night when I saw this buttt I needed to wash my face and I was tired. So it was one or the other and this millenial cares about her face. BUT now I have coffee and some energy. Okay. First. This is going to be all over the place because *reminder (I don't think I told you cause this is my first post) - I have ADHD and I'm not doing this to be Roger Ebert (is that how you spell it?) I just love movies. SPECIFICALLY HORROR, THRILLER ALL THE SCARIES. My love for scaries started with gothic ghost tales. Charles Dickens, and Roah Dahl etc etc etc. ( I can't say that without thinking of the King and I). I also went into this knowing very little other than Lucy Liu was in it and Steven Soderberg made a ghost movie. I will also add this , I have a small bladder but I always get a large soda and popcorn. I always pee twice. I DID NOT LEAVE MY SEAT. This movie felt the perfect length. I felt like I would miss something important if I did. WE saw it with Dolby surround sound and it was EPIC. Every sound was picked up, footsteps in the old house felt like they were all around us. You felt very imersed in the world. AND ON TOP OF THAT THE WHOLE STORY WAS TOLD 1st PERSON, FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE GHOST. It jumped through time, because time was not linear for the ghost and we somehow got this grounded telling of a family life and a daughter who had just experienced a big trauma in her life. Her best friend's death from a drug overdose. We never leave house as we ARE the GHOST. (Also, another reminder I'm not gonna really edit this and correct my mistakes and misspellings cause I don't want to). Okay going back to the story. If you loved the OTHERS you will def love this. The family relationships were so grounded and well written, you realize about 20 minutes in you are watching a family drama. Oh but wait, there is a GHOST. AND THEN, popular teenage boy enters the house and things go bananas. Under the disguise of the brothers friend the James Dean/ Leoesque BOY says all the right things to the daughter and the 36 year old me in SCREAMING RED FLAGS RED FLAGS but then I remember she is a teenager and this seems safe to her and he is safe. Oh the other thing I LOVED which I just thought about (and why I couldn't leave to pee) was every little subtle detail meant something. I noticed a smile on the boy and the deepening of his voice and my red flag went up and I was like oh that was creepy. but it was subtle. The noises in the house were important. But things also moved slow like real life and then we also time jumped because again the ghost's time line was not linear( I think I said this earlier?) Anyways, I loved it so much. I YELLED AT the ending. THE BROTHER WAS THE GHOST AND SAVED HIS SISTER :( But also died while doing it. Jumping through the window that the psychic (classic moment when the husband asked for more money) warned them about. I just I don't know. Loved it. It was a sad story. But I left the theater gitty beacause I am so excited . I feel film, indies are on the up and up and we are making art and using different forms to tell stories. The tentpoles are falling down and Indies are the stories we want to hear. OH Also, another thing I was so excited about. There were so many trailers for Valentines slashers and they LOOKED GOOD. SLASHERS are coming back and I wonder if that has to do with the state of the world we are in? We have scream queens that save the day and the world really needs some saving. WOMEN to save us. BUFFY WHERE AREYOU? Okay... I think thats all my brain has to say now. Maybe I will come back later and add more? I don't know. I AM SO EXCITED FOR THE MOVIE INDUSTRY THIS YEAR. OH WAIT I REMEMEBERED SOMETHING. The score and soundtrack was soooooo good. The score felt like a mix of gothic and fantasy and added to the "ghost story" feel as well as emphasizing the emotion. I'm gonna look up the composer because it is definitely getting added to my playlist. ( SOUNDTRACKS ARE MY LIFE ). Oh yes also Chris Sullivan the dad was PERFECTLY cast (i mean everyone was) but the father that was at his wits end but just wanted to fix it was so beautiful and heartbreaking. He loved his daughter so much and would do anything to help her (even hiring a psychic).